
That sounds wonderful! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

There is nothing I want more for her than to fully appreciate her body and enjoy her sexuality — whatever it is.

I have seen so much hurt and confusion, and outright damage done to young women and girls about their sexuality. I imagine a world where it’s more than okay for a woman to want sex, but also okay to initiate, enjoy, experiment, and just plain be alive in her own body.

Truth be told I think that my sex life is the worse for women’s sexual suppression. Far more often than I’d like, I have been with women who were more worried by what people (parents, friends, etc) would think, rather than trying to figure out what would feel good. I know that in too many cases I missed out in what could have been a very enjoyable time. I like to think that she would have too but we never found out.



Julien Lafleur

I like to think about stuff. Cotton candy, politics, whatever.